Standard 5

5a. Qualified Faculty
5b. Modeling Best Professional Practices in Teaching
5c. Modeling Best Professional Practices in Scholarship
5d. Modeling Best Professional Practices in Services
5e. Unit Evaluation of Professional Education Faculty Performance
5f. Unit Facilitation of Professional Development
Conceptual Framework
Standard 1
Standard 2
Standard 3
Standard 4
Standard 5
Standard 6
State Standard


5d. Modeling Best Professional Practices in Services

5d.1. What types of service are expected of faculty as part of the institution's and the unit's mission?

Faculty service expectations are articulated in the ULM and CEHD faculty handbooks and mission statements (5d1.1 ULM Faculty Handbook, Exhibit 5c1.2 CEHD Faculty Handbook). Faculty members are expected to serve the university students, their specific departments, their college, the university, and the community at large. The university evidences its emphasis on service in the current ULM Strategic Plan in Goal 6, Objective 6.2, which addresses community partnerships and other service activities (Exhibit 5d1.2 ULM Strategic Plan Goal & Objectives related to service.) As noted in the CEHD Faculty Handbook, faculty are required to provide evidence of effectiveness in service on annual faculty activity reports, as well as to document these activities in their vitae. Service is a component of all faculty evaluations and is a major consideration of tenure, promotion, and merit salary decisions. The individual CEHD departments’ service requirements related to tenure, promotion, and merit raise evaluations can also be found in the CEHD Faculty Handbook. Beyond expectations of faculty service on traditional committees on university, college, department, and community levels, CEHD faculty also serve as academic advisors, in student mentoring programs, and as sponsors of student organizations. In the community, the faculty are expected to serve on professional committees and boards, and encouraged to participate in PK-12 schools and other community partnerships, as well.


5d.2. In what types of service activities are faculty members engaged? Provide examples of faculty service related to practice in P-12 schools and service to the profession at the local, state, national, and international levels (e.g., through professional associations). What percentage of the faculty is actively involved in these various types of service activities? [A table could be attached at Prompt 5d.3 below to show different service activities in which faculty members are involved and the number involved in each activity.]

Faculty members from the unit not only demonstrate excellence in teaching and scholarship, they are also actively engaged in service activities both on and off the university campus. On campus, faculty members serve on departmental, college, and university committees, as well as serving as sponsors to student professional organizations. Between August 2006 and August 2008, the proportion of faculty who belonged to organizations at the various levels included: international (50%), national (77.4%), regional (58.3%), state (82.8%), and local (57.7%) (Exhibit 5d2.1 Service Activities of Unit Faculty). Examples of some of the university committees on which unit faculty currently serve include: University PK-16 Advisory Council, Athletic Scholarship Committee, Electronic Learning Committee, CEHD Steering Committee, University Committee on Policy and Faculty Duties, ULM Research Council, CEHD Budget Steering Committee, International Education Council etc.

Off campus, unit faculty participate in a wide range of service activities for the area schools and the community at large. Examples of the types of professional organizations, local, state, regional, and national, to which the faculty belong include: Professional Development Schools Advisory Council, MidSouth Regional Research Association, Southern Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors, Louisiana Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Louisiana Reading Association, etc.

Aggregated data related to unit faculty participation in service activities are presented in the following exhibit (Exhibit 5d2.1. Service Activities of Unit Faculty). Additionally, faculty members are universally involved in various professional organizations particular to their specific expertise areas, and serve in leadership positions at all levels.

Unit faculty work hand in hand with faculty members from the College of Arts and Science at ULM to continue the enhancement of various teacher education degree programs. This collaboration includes co-advising candidates and working on specialty program area reports. An example of unit faculty working with other institutions is faculty members being active participants in the Louisiana Education Consortium (LEC). LEC is a three institutions partnership (ULM, Louisiana Tech, and Grambling State University) to offer candidates an Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction or Educational Leadership. This unique program provides faculty members an opportunity to work with peers from the other two institutions on dissertation committees, various candidate related projects (internship, advising) and assessments. Additionally, faculty participate in the International Educational Tools for Success Conference, hosted each year at ULM. Faculty get have an opportunity to interact with peers from not only within the state but also nationally and internationally.



5d.3. (Optional Upload for Online IR) Tables, figures, and a list of links to key exhibits related to faculty service may be attached here. [Because BOE members should be able to access many exhibits electronically, a limited number of attachments (0-3) should be uploaded.]